Transmitter and harness for cows
This transmitter and harness for cows for cows is an extension for the birth alarm for cows (complete set). Cannot be used separately without the complete set.
Looking for the complete set? Click here.
With the Birth-Watch birth alarm for horses or cows you have 24/7 digital temperature monitoring of your animal. You always and everywhere have insight into the status of your mare and/or cow through the Birth-Watch app. You will be notified well in advance of the upcoming birth by means of a call on your (mobile) telephone. The birth alarm consists of 3 products, namely a transmitter, receiver and a mounting harness.

No more uncertainty with Birth-Watch
The birth alarm for horses and cows
The Birth-Watch birth alarm is available for horses and/or cows. With the Birth-Watch birth detector you have 24/7 digital temperature monitoring of your animal.